Monokini Swimwear - The Perfect Solution For Those Who Want a Sexier One Piece Swimsuit
Ahhhh the Monokini, possibly the greatest revolution in swimwear since the pink bikini. Monokini swimwear provides the not so confident and in fact the super confident girls that chance to be a little more discrete or possibly a little more seductive than the traditional bikini offers.Now make no mistake, a monokini should never be called a one piece or a tank suit or a coverall swimsuit. The monokini properly styled and cut offers discretion in those trouble spots but can also offer a stunning eye grabbing look by highlighting those sensational curves that are highlighted and heightened by the monokini style.
First appearing in the mid 80's the monokini became the pool side fashion statement, although totally impractical for use in the water. Monokini swimwear has become the essential must have in any girl's summer wardrobe. As essential as the simple tie side bikini, equally a monokini is perfect for those awkward "fat days".
Check my other bikini collection on Models Girls
Photos Gallery of Pink Bikini
Pink Bikini Girl Getting Sun Tan Oil
Pamela Anderson in pink bikini

Pink Bikini
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