Womens Bikini

Bikinis for the Bad Girl

"The bikini is about freedom, it's about fun. The bikini is for the bad girl — it's not for Barbie." -- author Kelly Killoren Bensimon. The bikini is most definitely a creation of man — two men, to be precise. In the years that followed, films like "And God Created Woman" with Brigitte Bardot (another popular French export) helped promote the bikini.

"The bikini's associated with scandal and that's why it's survived," Bensimon said. "The bikini is about freedom, it's about fun. The bikini is for the bad girl — it's not for Barbie." When you wear a smaller bikini, it just looks better."

Bikini Styles - Looking Good in a G-String Bikini
Women, have you noticed how men look at women who are wearing a bikini? No matter what the bikini style, men usually like what they see. Most women would love to have a fantastic bikini body. Would You Like to Have a Bikini Body? You can look great in any style bikini fast!

Motivation: Buying Your Bikini Online. Buying a sexy swimsuit doesn't have to be hard. Shop at your leisure; taking your time to pick out the perfect swimsuit. Any goal is always easier to reach if you have something motivating you. Set realistic goals, be consistent in following the program, and enjoy a great body in your new G-String Bikini.

Check my other bikini collection on One Piece Bathing Suit

Photos Gallery of Women's Bikini

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Womens Bikini

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